Jam Channel

  • Become a Member

    Become a Member

    Why not become a member of B&J and support Arts in your Community. Help us continue to host our monthly open Mic nights and support other Community arts initiatives, you can also… list unlimited items for Sale on JBAY. 10% DISCOUNT on Brackets and Jam merchandise, special events and workshops Plus voting rights at the Brackets and Jam AGM and ability to participate in decision making and meetings. Ordinary 12 months membership is only $5 plus optional regular donation. Join up today Read More
  • A Brackets Poem

    A Brackets Poem

    Those of us who attended the June event on Kincumber Mountain would have been lucky enough to hear some beautiful poetry from local poet Suzie Palmer. Suzie has given us permission to publish her tribute to Brackets and Jam...enjoy. Brackets and Jam in the Sky On the peak of Island View DriveMoonlit evenings come aliveAt Brackets and JamKincumber Mountain is a hiveOf colourful action Bursting with talentDynamic beatsOur hearts are a havenWhere rhythm and drumUnder starry skiesFills our senses, the bush is alive With loving vibrations from you and IGenerating pulsations, a natural highIgnites our passions, lets love flyCelebrates the Central Coast CommunityBrackets and Jam in the sky Suzie Palmer www.suziepalmer.com Read More
  • Get on-board the B&J Trailer Stage Project

    Get on-board the B&J Trailer Stage Project

    B&J are about to kick off another exciting project to put together a portable stage set up that can be used at outside events. The project involves converting an existing old car trailer into a fully functional event stage set up. Once built the stage will be able to be towed and easily erected by two people to provide a stage approximately 4m x 7.2m wide, complete with cover. The stage will then be yet another asset we can provide to support local outside events, along with our sound and lighting equipment. If you are an engineering or metal-working type and would like to get involved in this exciting project, we are currently putting together a team to get this idea moving. Just email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let us know what you are able to contribute (eg skills, materials etc.) Read More
  • Job Seekers - Voluntary work approval

    Job Seekers - Voluntary work approval

    Brackets has gained approval from the Federal Govt to host job seekers undertaking voluntary work through both the Department of Families, Commmunity Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaCSIA) Voluntary Work Initiative and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) Community Work Program. Centrelink customer eligibility for approved voluntary work differs according to age, length of unemployment and current level of employment assistance, and job seekers need to obtain separate approval from Centrelink before starting voluntary work with Brackets or the Arts Barn Read More
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